What Is The Cause Of Your Dog’s Sleep Problem?

Just like humans, dogs spend much of their day sleeping, so it stands to reason that they may also suffer from sleep issues. Do you have a dog that sleeps poorly? Find out by reading on!

Whenever we go to bed, my dogs come upstairs to their beds while we prepare for ours and we all tuck ourselves in together. I love them so much.

My golden would scratch and scratch in the middle of the night. As a light sleeper, it woke me up. A new puppy is just.like.her, except she’s a hound-mix, so she also talks in her sleep. Yes, she speaks while she sleeps.

A veterinarian will tell you that dogs also suffer from sleep disorders, and their symptoms are remarkably similar to those of humans.

Researchers believe dogs help women sleep better

“But my dog lays around for most of the day,” you reply. Dogs sleep between 12 and 14 hours a day, but like humans, if that sleep isn’t restorative-if it doesn’t allow their brains to function while they’re asleep-it can be detrimental to their health.

Additionally, if your dog stays up all night, chances are you will as well. During the day, Fido may experience problems if he doesn’t get enough restful, restorative sleep. Similarly, when a doctor tells you to rest, it’s because rest heals and strengthens your immune system. Without enough sleep, dogs’ immune systems may be less able to fight off germs and infection.

How can you tell if your dog has a sleep problem? Would you even recognize a sleep disorder? See if Fifi fits any of these criteria:

The first is. Sleep Apnea/Snoring

It’s cute when Lola saws wood like a lumberjack, but is it that cute at 2:37 in the morning? Yes, we know. The condition of sleep apnea can affect dogs just as it does humans, and like in humans, it can have serious consequences. When dogs don’t get enough oxygen in their brains, they’re not being the healthiest they can be and their loud snoring or gasping for breath in between snores isn’t cute; if your dog is snoring or has apnea, you need to contact your vet to find out what you can do to stop it. It’s especially common in flat-faced dogs like pugs, bulldogs, and Frenchies, so make sure they get enough oxygen at night!

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The second. Sleeplessness

It is possible for your dog to get insomnia as well. In fact, dogs are known for just finding a nice cozy spot and snoozing whenever they want. That’s all the more reason why they can’t/don’t? There is a problem. Sadly, it tends to happen more frequently in older dogs who have trouble sleeping. During her last year with us, she seemed to simply want to lay down and rest, but she couldn’t seem to fall asleep easily sometimes, and her inability to do so even seemed to make her anxious. Like humans, anxiety or medical conditions can prevent your dog from counting sheep, so if that is happening, you’ll want your vet to check him over and make sure there’s nothing underlying medically wrong.

The third point. The disorder of REM behavior

“Awwww…look at that!” A deer is chasing her! When your puppy seems to be acting out their dreams while sleeping, you might find yourself saying this. Although it’s sweet to think they’re frolicking through fields of flowers in their dreams with you by their side, movement (especially if it’s extreme or violent) can indicate a sleep disorder called REM Behavior Disorder. Every now and then, it’s not a big deal, but if you notice that your pup is prancing through the night in her dreams, especially if she gets up and moves into things that might hurt her, your veterinarian should check her out and see what’s going on during her REM sleep.

On Sunday, January 13, 2019, by

4. Pacing and crying at night

Especially in senior dogs with dementia, this is a common occurrence. Dementia itself is not a sleep disorder, but the pacing and crying at night, that feeling that they just can’t settle down even though they should be tired, might indicate dementia and certainly affect their sleep. Yours too-because you’ll be so worried about your child. You should have your vet look them over if they just can’t settle at night anymore for no apparent reason.

The fifth point. The narcolepsy syndrome

It’s probably not what you think in either humans or dogs. Dogs and people can suffer from narcolepsy in different ways, but if your pup just passes out after zooming all over the place, you might have a pup with the condition. Narcolepsy is a genetic condition that is fairly common in Doberman pinschers, Labrador retrievers, and poodles, and if your dog is narcoleptic, they will just collapse and fall asleep. When it happens, it’s usually after a super stimulating activity like a playdate or greeting neighbors. Most likely (and surprisingly) loud noises or petting will wake them up, and your veterinarian might recommend some lifestyle changes to keep your pet safe during narcoleptic episodes.

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