The Best Way To Relax A Stressed Cat

You should keep your laid-back cat purring if he gets stressed.

In the same way that stress can lead to a variety of health problems in humans, it can also affect the health of your cat. Unlike humans, cats may experience high levels of stress because they don’t get enough attention or exercise, which leads to long periods of boredom and loneliness. It could also be caused by family members, including pets. Poor environmental conditions can also stress a cat.

Your cat can experience a variety of emotions as a pet parent. Observing her behavior in a variety of situations and around different groups of people, you might have noticed that she feels more confident and at ease around certain individuals and environments. Nevertheless, knowing that your feline companion can experience stress and fear is one thing; knowing how to help her feel safe and content is another. We’ve put together some information on how you can help your cat relax to help you out.

Physiological Effects of Stress on Cats

If you have ever been under a lot of stress for a long period of time, you know how it can affect your physical well-being, not just your mental and emotional state. Your cat is no different.

It is more likely that a cat will suffer from a health problem if he or she is stressed out for a long period of time. Consistent anxiety, fear, and uneasiness can wear down your pet’s immune system, causing it to work harder to restore balance and calm to the body.

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A cat that is not at ease can suffer from behavioral issues as well as skin problems. Stress can also adversely affect your pet’s adrenal glands, which are the body’s stress organs, in addition to causing changes in behavior. As they become tired, cats may have an even lower tolerance for stress, and their immune systems may weaken as a result.

Therefore, ensuring your cat is happy in his home and content with his family and surroundings is crucial.

What Stresses Your Cat Out?

It is possible for different cats to be stressed out by different things. Therefore, what one cat might find stressful, another may find enjoyable. Once you find out what is making your cat uneasy, you can remove the trigger(s) so your kitty can calm down. You can learn a lot about your pet’s behavior by observing him in various situations and around different people.

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When a kitty feels uneasy, what might be causing it? Stress in cats can be triggered by a variety of situations, including a new baby, sending a child to college, moving to a new home, getting a new pet, or arguing among family members. Cats are highly sensitive to the emotions of the humans around them, so if there is tension in a household, a cat may sense it as well.

It’s okay, there’s something you can do. Your cat might prefer a steady routine and react poorly to changes in the environment, for example. You could create a safe home with a consistent routine in that case, and you might use feline pheromone products to promote calm.

Keep in mind that if you have more than one cat, you might discover that their triggers are totally different. One cat might be fine meeting new people all the time, while the other might run and hide from them. It might be a bit more challenging but not impossible to keep both of them satisfied if that’s the case.

Stressed cats show these signs

Keeping an eye on your cat and observing his behavior can reveal a lot about how he’s feeling. However, if your cat is stressed out, physical symptoms may also arise.

Stress can manifest in a variety of ways in your cat, including:

  • Problems with your skin that won’t go away

  • Marking territory with spray around the house by a male cat

  • Effortfulness

  • Isolation

  • Consumption of non-food items, called pica

  • Overeating or anorexia

  • Crystals build up in the urinary tract as a result of an imbalance caused by overtaxed adrenal glands, causing blockages in the urinary tract

Relaxing Natural Remedies for Cats

A veterinarian is a great resource if you think your cat might be stressed or frazzled and you want to find the best solution to help him feel better.

This problem can also be tackled in a natural manner, so consider strategies like these:

  • Start by feeding a high-quality diet consisting primarily of moisture-rich wet food and high-quality animal proteins without grains. Low-quality diets on their own may stress your pet’s body and make him more susceptible to illness. Stressed cats may also benefit from nutritional supplements, such as vitamin B12 and folic acid. If you are giving extra supplements, always consult your veterinarian to ensure the dosage is correct.

  • Make sure your cat has a way to burn off his energy. Make sure your child has plenty of toys to play with and plenty of space to run around. Spend quality time with your pet each day or week.

  • Your home environment should be suitable for a feline. Make sure your cat has access to some cat trees so he can climb them or hide in them. Whenever things get too loud or your pet wants some quiet time alone, give him some space where he can retreat.

  • Your holistic vet can recommend homeopathic and herbal remedies, such as St. John’s Wort, that could work with your pet’s constitution and bring ease and tranquility. In addition, Bach Flower Essences are popular remedies for stressed out animals because they’re non-toxic and unlikely to cause side effects

A frazzled cat can be calmed by playing slow-paced music, gently massaging him, and reassuring him that everything will be okay. Determine the best remedy based on your cat’s personality and needs. You can also seek advice from your vet if you need extra support.

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