The 5 most common horse behaviors explained

Horses are very intelligent animals, which shouldn’t be a surprise. Their intelligence makes them one of the smartest animals on the planet! However, they can’t really speak to us in a language we understand – instead, they use behaviors and body signals to communicate. Although some nonverbal signs can be easily deciphered, certain behaviors are more difficult to understand, especially if you are new to horse ownership. Listed below are the 5 most common horse behaviors and their meanings, so that you can better understand your relationship with your horse.

Rolling no. 1

Horse owners, new or experienced, must have seen their horses rolling around on the ground, especially if it is strewn with fresh straw or similar materials. Seeing this behavior often is a common occurrence, so it’s important to address it. What is the purpose of horses rolling around? Horses roll for a variety of reasons, and some are positive, while others are negative. The majority of the time, however, they do it for simple enjoyment. Rolling is like a good solid stretch or scratch. In addition to feeling good, horses do this to get rid of excess coat hairs and pesky flies. The dirt and dust in a pasture or field might make a horse eager to roll around. Natural inclinations like this help them lower their body temperature or repel insects. Rarely, however, rolling can indicate colic troubles, especially after a horse has eaten too much. Check with your veterinarian if you notice that rolling is unusual. Your horse might be getting rid of that nasty gas buildup in their stomach by doing this.

Yawning is #2

Horses do not yawn in the usual sense, i.e. they don’t do it because they are sleepy. There are many reasons for this, some common, others not so much. Horses can yawn after they have rested and feel a rush of energy. It can also be a social behavior, especially when several horses are together. But sometimes, it can be a sign of gastrointestinal problems, such as colic or ulcers. Horses may yawn in relief in these cases. Get in touch with a vet if they do it too often. In the same way, horses may yawn when they feel pain, such as inner ear pain, toothaches, etc. You should schedule a checkup if you notice it often enough.

Buckling #3

All of us have seen cowboy movies where horses buck wildly to throw off their riders. It is not only something you see on film – you can often see it in pasture horses. You can usually spot it when horses are feeling playful and energetic. Fresh out of the stall and into the field, a horse may jump and buck. However, some situations can cause your horse to become frustrated or angry, and they’ll buck to let you know. It is possible for the horse to buck if you are an inexperienced rider or do something wrong. Some pasture horses may suddenly buck when bitten by a pesky fly, or when they are in pain. When they feel helpless and pained, they might buck out of frustration and pain. Before determining the cause, consider all these factors – it might be an innocent lively behavior, but it might also be something more serious.

#4 Neighbors

It might seem natural for horses to neigh, since it is their “call”, after all. However, this is a more complex behavior that can have different meanings. Neighing is a horse’s way of expressing their emotions and feelings. It is their “voice,” and they use it in a variety of situations. A horse may neigh when it is happy and excited. When frightened, irritated, or uncertain, however, they may do so. A neigh is often a simple greeting, either to you or the horse’s partner. Confidence can also be communicated through this unique vocalization. Situations and environments determine everything. Are you standing on a precipice or a ditch? Fear may be the reason for the horse’s neighing. What about running full speed in a race? Confidence and excitement are sure signs of that.

#5 is snorkeling

The snort of a horse expresses the mood and emotion of the animal. Similar to neighing, snorting conveys a message according to the situation. Horses often snort when they are in a positive mood and it is relaxing to them. Nevertheless, if they do so when hard work is required, they may say “Not again!” Should we do so again? ”. There are some experts who believe that snorting in horses is simply a reaction to physical needs. However, it is rarely – if ever – an indication of pain or discomfort. It is most commonly seen in relaxing or enjoyable situations, indicating a positive attitude.

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